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Meghan Garvey

Meghan has been involved in theater since elementary school. She grew up in Concord, MA, and attended Concord Carlisle High School where she tried everything from acting to costuming to build crew to producing. In August of 2013 she began attending Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, and decided that she liked costuming best of all. In May 2017, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theater, concentrating in design and technical theater, as well as a minor in music. 


While working, Meghan tends to listen rather than talk, and strives to complete tasks as efficiently as possible.


Outside of work, though that does take up most of her time, Meghan enjoys reading, crafting, and, especially, baking. She tries many of the technical challenges from The Great British Baking Show, to varying degrees of success, in her spare time. While working, she is usually listening to one of the Harry Potter audiobooks, or possibly Disney parks music. If working at Disney teaches you anything, it's that the parks' music starts eventually goes from annoying to great background noise.


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Meghan Garvey

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